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In Indonesia, the cases of cervical cancer are estimated at around 50 per 100.000 people. It
was estimatedthattherearemore than 1 millionwomenworldwidewho have cervical cancer,
and most of them have not been diagnosed yet or do not have access to screening and medical
treatment. P53 codon 72 polymorphism can affect the risk of cervical cancer through the
regulation of proliferationandcellapoptosis.The purpose of this research was to investigate the
association between p53 codon 72 polymorphism and cases of cervical cancer. This research
was observational analytic research. The research was done by examining in the laboratory of
Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Sriwijaya by using a case-control study
approach.Thesampleoftheresearchconsistedof 70 subjects,and they were divided into two
groups:35 in case group and 35 in the control group. The determination of genotype and
allotype was done by using PCR-RFLP technics. The results of the research showed there was
a significant difference between p53 codon 72 polymorphism between the case group and
control group. The results of genotypes of p53 codon 72 polymorphism in the case group
were seven respondents (20.0%) with Pro/Pro genotype, five respondents (14.3%) with
Arg/Arg genotype, and 23 respondents (65.7%) with Pro/Arg. While in control group, there were
28 respondents (80.0%) with Pro/Pro genotype, 0 respondent (0.0%) with Arg/Arg genotype,
and 7 respondents (20%) with Pro/Arg. The frequency of the Prolin allele in case group was 37
(52.9%), and the Arginin allele was 33 (47.1%), while the frequency of the Prolin allele in the
control group was 63 (90%), and the Arginin allele was 7 (10%). The Chi-Squareofgenotypewas
valued0.000,OR1,304andCI95%1,071-5,891,whiletheallelewas valued 0.000, OR 8.027 and
CI 95% 3.228-19.962. There was anassociation between genotype and allele of p53 codon 72
polymorphismandcases of cervicalcancer.
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