Published: Dec 31, 2024

Balancing Economic Growth and Social Equity: A Legal and Conceptual Analysis of Indonesian Agrarian Reform in the Agribusiness Sector

674-685 Dina Mukti Yatulloh, Shalsabila Putri Fairuz Zahra, Cikal Gumiwang Nagari

Electronic Certificates in Indonesia: Enhancing Legal Certainty or Introducing New Challenges?

686-698 Putri Diyah Ayu Anggraini, Aqhina Dzikrah Aurora, Aprilia Niravita, Muhammad Adymas Hikal Fikri, Harry Nugroho

COVID-19 and Patient Rights: A Comparative Analysis of Legal Protection Mechanisms at Citra Medika Hospital Indonesia and International Standards

699-712 Elvida Sulistiana Sinaga

Blurring the Lines: An Analysis of Jurisdictional Overlap between General Courts and State Administrative Courts in Indonesia

713-726 Ayesha Hanum Nurrahmah, Fithriyatirrizqoh, Moh Imam Gusthomi

Beyond the Law: Exploring the Moral and Philosophical Dimensions of Pancasila in Promoting a Human Rights Culture in Indonesia

727-740 Nandarista Tama Aullia Syahrani, Tri Wahyu Ningsih, Asmak Ul Hosnah

Forest and Land Fire Management in Indonesia: Unveiling the Implementation Gaps of Law No. 32 of 2009 in Palembang

741-753 Bayu Arya Sakti, Rodiyah, Cahya Wulandari

Disparity in Sentencing and the Effectiveness of Indonesia's Narcotics Law: A Critical Analysis of Law No. 35 of 2009

754-766 Alex Rikardo Siahaan, Hasan Hiawatha Rifai, Asmak Ul Hosnah

The Kidfluencer Phenomenon and Modern Slavery: A Critical Analysis of Indonesia's Legal Framework in Protecting Children from Digital Exploitation

767-779 Alvan Rahfiansyah Lubis