Published: Jul 25, 2024

Lipid Profile as a Predictor of HbA1c in Women with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus

611-621 Amirah Amirah , Yudistira Yudistira , Arlitha Deka Yana

Enhancing Type 2 Diabetes Management: The Role of Pharmacist-Led Education and Booklets

622-635 Ika Lusiana, Yosef Wijoyo

The Role of Systemic Inflammation in COPD Severity: Insights from FEV1 and hs-CRP

636-647 Katarina Julike, Mery Silvia Harahap

Vitamin D Status and Lung Function in Stable COPD: A Cross-Sectional Study

648-657 Ayu Zulhafni Lubis

Healthcare Workers’ Roles and Iron Tablet Adherence among Pregnant Women: A Prospective Cohort Study

658-674 Sri Wahyuni MS, Nova Ratna Dewi, Hida Yana

Enhancing Hospital Efficiency and Patient Outcomes Through Flexible Resident Scheduling: A Meta-Analysis

675-685 Cokorda Gde Oka Dharmayuda, Arlina Dewi

The Impact of Health Behaviors on Iron Supplementation Adherence and Anemia Prevalence among Pregnant Women: Evidence from a Primary Care Setting in Aceh Tengah, Indonesia

686-697 Nova Ratna Dewi, Sri Wahyuni MS, Hidayana

Beyond Waiting Rooms: Exploring the Role of Administrative Processes and Staffing Levels in Outpatient Service Efficiency at a Dental and Oral Hospital in Padang, Indonesia

698-711 Suci Rahmasari, Rahmi Khairani Aulia, Yona Ladyventini

Beyond Empathy: Examining the Complexities of Outpatient Satisfaction in a Resource-Constrained Setting

712-725 Hannitya Aulia Putri, Rizanda Mahmud, Wihardi Triman

Do Longer Operational Hours Affect Patient Loyalty? A Study of Facility Health Care in Bali, Indonesia

726-738 Adolf Gideon, Alifa Dimanti

Navigating Digital Transformation: The Roles of Resilience, Job Security, and Social Support in Shaping Turnover Intention among Indonesian Architects

739-751 Altheannisa Agatha Soraya, Niken Ardiyanti