Published: Aug 1, 2024

Reconstruction of Caesarean Section Service Rates for National Health Insurance Patients

438-448 Vyola Regina, Yurniwati, Adila Kasni Astiena

Analysis of Aggressive Behavior Studies in the Workplace in Indonesia: A Systematic Literature Review

449-454 Jefri Setyawan, Agung Rian Asmoro

Analysis of Risk Factors on the Performance of Tuberculosis Control Program Officers in the Working Area of the Lubuk Kambing Health Center, Jambi, Indonesia

455-463 Immanuel Situmorang, Lukman Hakim, Christina Roos Etty

Analysis of Achievements and Factors Playing a Role in Achieving Complete Basic Immunization During the Adaptation Period to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus Disease) Pandemic in Padang, Indonesia

464-469 Putri Sri Kartika, Hardisman, Yuniar Lestari

Analysis of the Study of Midwifery Care for Malnourished Toddlers at the Linge Health Center, Central Aceh Regency, Indonesia

470-475 Nova Ratna Dewi, Sri Wahyuni MS, Hidayana

Correlation of Physical Activity with Behavioral, Emotional, and Psychosocial Disorders: A Cross-Sectional Study of 5 Elementary Schools in Ciherang Village

476-482 Agustina Agustina, Fransisca Iriani R Dewi, Susy Olivia Lontoh, Yohanes Firmansyah, William Gilbert Satyanegara, Valentino Gilbert Lumintang, Kasvana Kasvana, Geoffrey Christian Lo

Effectiveness of Midwifery Care for Family Planning (KB) Acceptors with IUD (Intrauterine Device): Study in Kayu Kul Village, Pegasing, Central Aceh, Indonesia

483-490 Hidayana, Irdayani, Sri Wahyuni MS

Analysis of the Effectiveness of Online-Based Patient Queue Management System Innovation: A Study at UMY Dental Hospital

491-499 Rr. Pipiet Okti Kusumastiwi, Regia Aristyanto, Fahmi Yunisa

Analysis of the Effectiveness of Midwifery Care in Health Observations of 24-Month-Old Toddlers: Study in Kute Rayang Village, Central Aceh, Indonesia

500-508 Irdayani, Widya Apriani, Sri Wahyuni MS

Prevalence and Risk Factors of Scabies: Observational Study in Nurul Ilmi Darunnajah 14 Islamic Boarding School Students in Serang, Banten, Indonesia

509-516 Hans Sugiarto, Chrismerry Song

Clinical Profile, Transmission Factors, and Early Disability Prevalence of Leprosy: A Single Center Observational Study at Bunda Pembantu Abadi General Hospital Naob, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

517-524 Ayleen Nathalie Jap, Irawaty Hawari

Effect of Degree of Smoking Based on Brinkman Index on Hemoglobin Levels in Adults

525-531 Bryan Anna Wijaya, Sari Mariyati Dewi Nataprawira

Study Analysis of the Role of High-Calorie Food (Junk Food) on the Incident of Adolescent Obesity: A Community-Based Observational Study of Senior High School Adolescents in Tangerang Regency, Indonesia

532-539 Stanislas Kotska Marvel Mayello Teguh, Alexander Halim Santoso

Study of the Role of Ultra-Processed Food (UPF) on the Risk of Obesity in Adolescents: An Observational Study in the Adolescent Community in Jambi City, Indonesia

540-547 Heri Yanto Putra, Alexander Halim Santoso

Analysis of the Impact of Coffee Consumption on Adolescent Cardiovascular Performance: An Observational Study in the Adolescent Community in Jakarta, Indonesia

548-556 Muhammad Dzakwan Dwi Putra, Susy Olivia Lontoh

The Effect of Exercise on Adolescent Lung Function Performance: An Observational Study in the Adolescent Community in Jakarta, Indonesia

557-564 Anthony Jason Raharjo, Susy Olivia Lontoh

The Role of Exercise on Sleep Quality: An Observational Study in the Medical Student Community in Jakarta, Indonesia

565-572 Muhammad Naufal Razaan, Susy Olivia Lontoh

The Effect of Counseling Intervention on Adolescents' Knowledge Regarding Sunscreen Use and the Incidence of Acne Vulgaris: An Experimental Study in the Adolescent Population in Jakarta, Indonesia

573-581 Shelma Tria Amanda, Sukmawati Tansil Tan

Analysis of the Role of Sebum Levels in the Incidence of Acne Vulgaris in Adolescents: An Observational Study on Adolescents in Jakarta, Indonesia

582-590 Arni Ismi Fadhila, Sukmawati Tansil Tan

Effectiveness of the Education Program on Using Iodine Mouthwash on Dental and Oral Health in Adolescents: An Intervention Study in the Adolescent Community in Batusangkar City, Indonesia

591-600 Rahmatul Aini, Harfindo Nismal, Desy Purnama Sari, Dyana Putri

Analysis of the Implementation of Minimum Service Standards (SPM) on the Minimum Service Quality of Hospitals: A Case Study at Mentawai Islands Regional Hospital, West Sumatera, Indonesia

601-610 Avissa Fadlika, Rizanda Machmud, Abdi Setya