Published: Feb 1, 2024

Assessing Lean Thinking in Hospital: A Conceptual Framework

373-380 Yancy O, Ayuningtyas D

The Relationship between Self-Confidence and Teeth Stain Caused by Coffee Consumption and Smoking on Dentistry Student of Universitas Prima Indonesia

387-391 Idamawati Nababan, Molek, Sharon Altin Taqwani

Antibacterial Effects of Star Fruit Extract Against Streptococcus sanguinis

392-396 Member Reni Purba, Gusbakti Rusip, Salsabilah

The Effect of Strawberries as a Natural Teeth Whitening Agent on Tooth Surface Roughness: In Vitro Study

397-400 Dian Soraya Tanjung, Daryono, Yemima Christy Ginting

The Role of Physical Activity in Menopausal Women

401-405 Adek Amansyah, Naurah Al’Ariqoh, Meldawati

The Relationship between Introvert and Extrovert Personality Types and Stress Levels in the Class of 2020 Students, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Prima Indonesia

406-409 Zakiyyah Qurrota’aini, Wika Hanida, Rahmad Isnanta

The Relationship Between Toothbrushing Habits and the Prevalence of Caries and Calculus in School-Age Children Grades 1-6 at Galilea Hosana School Elementary School, Medan Selayang District of North Sumatra, Indonesia

410-414 Molek, Mangatas Hutagalung, Aldi H. Theo Braga Bangun

Analysis of the Implementation of the Internal Quality Assurance System in Higher Education: A Case Study at the Bakti Asih Polytechnic, Purwakarta, Indonesia

415-419 Lia Yulianti, Nova Rati Lova, Armiyanti, Sofyan Sauri

Antibacterial Effect of Starfruit Extract (Averrhoa blimbi L.) against Streptococcus mutans

420-423 Member Reni Purba, Dian Soraya Tanjung, Ilma Al Halifa Hasibuan

The Relationship between the Level of Satisfaction of Dental Students in the Appearance of Anterior Teeth in Terms of Orthodontic Treatment at Universitas Prima Indonesia

424-428 Gusbakti Rusip, Suci Erawati, Daniel Yantonius Simamora

The Relationship between Instant Noodle Consumption and Dental Caries in a Boarder in Medan, Indonesia

429-432 Mangatas Halomoan Parluhutan Hutagalung, Susiani Tarigan, Suryati Sinurat, Maghfirah Muchtar

The Effect of One-Sided Chewing Habits on the Occurrence of Caries, Calculus, and Oral Status Hygiene in Students of SMP Islam Terpadu Nurul Fadhilah, Percut Sei Tuan District, Deli Serdang Regency, Indonesia

433-437 Molek, Suci Erawati, Dina Fitriana

Differences in Saliva pH of Users and Non-users of Fixed Orthodontic Wire in Dental Students (FKG UNPRI)

438-442 Gusbakti Rusip, Member Reni Purba, Fitri Inriani Silaban