Published: Oct 2, 2023

Communication on Mainstreaming of Religious Moderation in Gunung Kidul and Kebumen Regencies

313-318 Abdul Rozak, Mokhammad Mahfud, Aulia Miftah Razak

The Potential of Artificial Intelligence in Improving Linguistic Competence: A Systematic Literature Review

319-324 Rugaiyah Rugaiyah

The Development of Fashion in Jambi During the Dutch Rule (1906-1942)

325-331 Anny Wahyuni, Fito Dermawan, Muhammad Adi Saputra

PAN's Political Communication on Instagram: Analyzing Celebrity Politicians' Messages

332-339 Silvanus Alvin

Voluntary Disclosure Program (PPS) Reviewed from the Perspective of State Administration Law and Its Effectiveness in Encouraging National Economic Improvement

340-349 Elyani, Khairun Na’im, Uswatun Hasanah, Andi Nova Bukit, Khamo Waruwu

The Effect of Providing Steamed Tempe on Hot Flashes Symptoms in Menopausal Women in the Mulya Mekar Health Center Area, Purwakarta Regency, Indonesia

350-353 Aan Rosanti

The Effectiveness of the Birthing Ball (Gym Ball) on the Progress of Opening the First Stage of Labor in the Working Area of Muka Health Center, Purwakarta District, Purwakarta Regency, Indonesia

354-356 Cik Angkut

Optimizing the Role and Increasing Knowledge of Women of Childbearing Age About Contraception at the Pratama Lena Clinic, Purwakarta, Indonesia

357-360 Devita Zakirman

The Effect of Quranic Murotal Therapy on Anxiety Levels in Maternity Women at the Midwife Independent Practice (TPMB) A, Purwakarta Regency, Indonesia

361-364 Rika Widiyastuti

The Relationship between Knowledge and Attitudes about Maintaining Genital Hygiene and the Incidence of Fluor Albus in Young Girls at SMA Negeri 1 Purwakarta, Purwakarta Regency, Indonesia

365-368 Ruciah Ruciah

The Effect of Effleurage Massage Technique on Reducing the Scale of Uterine Involution Pain in First Day of Postpartum Mothers in the Working Area of Cikadu Health Center, Cianjur Regency, Indonesia

369-372 Leni Herlina, Teti Yuli Handayani

The Effect of Baby Spa on the Sleep Duration of Babies Aged 3-12 Months at Independent Midwife Practice (TPMB) Mrs. S, Karawang Regency, Indonesia

373-376 Rosita Febriana

Family Planning Knowledge and Attitudes of Childbearing Couples Regarding Reproductive Health with Husband's Participation

377-380 Evalina Fransisca Lusianawati

The Effect of Effleurage Massage on Reducing Dysmenorrhea in Adolescent Girls in Sukarama Village, Cianjur Regency, Indonesia

381-383 Lailatun Lailatun

The Effectiveness of Reproductive and Sexual Health Education by Counselling and Small Group Discussion on Knowledge and Attitudes of Adolescents Aged 16-17 Years

384-388 Khusnul Khotimah

The Effect of Providing Classical Music Therapy on Anxiety Levels in Menopausal Women in the Munjul Jaya Health Center Area, Purwakarta, Indonesia

389-391 Ika Mariska

Critical Thinking and Sustainability Awareness of Accounting Students in Higher Education

396-399 Sulastri, Diana Tien Irafahmi, Darpiyah