Journal Description

Archives of The Medicine and Case Reports (AMCR) is an open access, peer reviewed Journal published by CMHC (Research & Sains Center) and  HM Publisher. The aim of the journal is to provide an excellent platform for scientists and medical specialties to update a database of new case reports in the field of Clinical and Medical to provide best practice. AMCR covers the major topics like case report and case series in medicine, public health, nursing science and health science. AMCR focused exclusively on case report, case series, original article and literature review. AMCR has electronic ISSN (eISSN) 2747-2051. AMCR also has indexed in International ISSN (ROAD) 2747-2051

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Vol. 5 No. 4 (2024): Archives of The Medicine and Case Reports

Published: Oct 1, 2024

Impact of Delayed Cord Clamping on Neonatal Hemoglobin Levels in Term Infants: An Observational Study in Purwakarta Regency, Indonesia

871-880 Tia Nurfitri

The Impact of Continuous Labor Support on Cesarean Section Rates among Nulliparous Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial

881-892 Hermatuti Hermatuti

Empowering Pregnant Women: A Community-Based Health Education Intervention to Promote Healthy Behaviors

893-906 Dina Ayuning Tyas, Yulia Vivra Rahayu Putri

Analysis of Risk Factors Related to Quality of Life in Kidney Failure Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis: A Single-Center Observational Study at Besemah Regional Hospital, Pagaralam, Indonesia

907-919 Handi Rustandi, Danur Azissah Roesliana Sofais, Yalta Hasanuddin

Prevalence of Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli -LT Gene Expression in Pediatric Diarrhea Patients in Makassar City, Indonesia: A Cross-Sectional Study

920-930 Nur Laela Alydrus, Ka’bah, Kasmuddin, Prelly Loupatti

Analysis of Risk Factors Related to Nurses' Attitudes and Patient Safety Culture Implementation

931-942 Rida Hendriyani, Muhammad Arief Wijaksono, Angga Irawan, Subhannur Rahman

The Unseen Threat: Evaluating the Efficacy of Immunochromatographic HIV Screening in a Low-Resource Setting

943-953 Andirwana Andirwana, Evi Hudriyah Hukom, Grecia Felicia Lopulalan

Improving Maternal and Child Health Outcomes: A Community Midwifery Approach in Purwakarta, Indonesia

954-967 Neneng Maryamah

Chayote (Sechium edule) as a Galactagogue: A Quasi-Experimental Study in Postpartum Women

968-978 Silfia Nuzulus Sa’idah, Desy Qomarasari, Daris Yolanda Sari, Endah Paridayanti

Exploring Traditional Antipyretic Practices: Shallot Poultice (Allium cepa L.) for Fever Management in Infants

979-988 Ewith Widya Mareta

Celery Leaf Consumption Movement (GAME BUSRI): A Community-Based Intervention to Promote Blood Pressure Control in Elderly Individuals with Hypertension in Purwakarta Indonesia

989-999 Mey Linda Darmayanti

Comparative Effectiveness of Single Versus Combination Antihypertensive Therapy in PROLANIS Hypertension Patients: A Retrospective Study in Purbalingga Regency

1000-1015 Khamdiyah Indah Kurniasih, Nanang Munif Yasin, Pri Iswati Utami

Maternal and Neonatal Predictors of Asphyxia: A Case-Control Study at Salatiga Regional General Hospital

1016-1029 Gina Puspita, Diana Indri

Impact of mRNA COVID-19 Vaccines on Blood Pressure in Hypertensive Patients: A Retrospective Observational Study

1030-1043 Mugi Rahma Raysyifa, Khamdiyah Indah Kurniasih, Siti Setianingsih

Clinical Characteristics and Diagnostic Imaging of Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review

1044-1055 Nita Bonita, Dwi Pratiwi, Muh Yasin Arsal, Erlin Syahril, Raden Selma

Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever in Bali: Patient Demographics, Clinical Manifestations, and Laboratory Findings

1056-1069 Desak Putu Sukasanti Adi Kunti, Anak Agung Ngurah Paramacarya Bodhinatha, I Made Suma Wirawan

Early Initiation of Breastfeeding (EIBF) Practices in Bener Meriah Regency, Aceh, Indonesia: A Cross-Sectional Study on the Role of Midwives in Reducing Infant Mortality

1070-1083 Irdayani, Widya Apriani, Hida Yana

Unison Infestation: A Rare Case of Norwegian Scabies in a Mother-Baby Dyad

1084-1096 Fahmiatul Laili, Dian Amelia Abdi, Setia Budi Salekede
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