Published: Oct 31, 2023

Therapeutic Communication in Elderly Patients: A Systematic Literature Review

377-384 Nurhidayah Amir, Neng Ratih Widiyastuti, Fathia Fakhri Inayatu Said, Rifki Sakinah Nompo

The Effectiveness of Allium cepa L Compress on Body Temperature of Fever Infants after DPT Immunization (Diphtheria Pertussis Tetanus) at Posyandu Kenanga Kertajaya Village, Purwakarta Regency, Indonesia

407-410 Nova Rati Lova, Rica Rianjani

The Relationship between Chronic Energy Deficiency in Pregnant Women and the Incidence of Low Birth Weight at the Senggo Health Center, Mappi Regency, Indonesia

411-416 Pairah Leda, Mikawati, Asriyanti, Muaningsih, Rizky Pratiwi

A 50-Year-Old Male Patient with Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis (TEN) and Diabetes Mellitus Type 2: A Case Report

417-422 Patresya Lantan

Lichen Simplex Chronic Skin Problems in Diabetes Mellitus Patient: A Case Report

441-446 Nur Aida Oktasari, Najmarani Devi Firdaus, Ade Firman Saroso

Application of the UTAUT (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology) Model to Analyze the Acceptance Level of Using at RSIJ (Jakarta Islamic Hospital) Cempaka Putih, Indonesia

447-454 Brigita Natalia Br Surbakti, Daniel Happy Putra, Puteri Fannya, Dina Sonia

Mayer-Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser Syndrome with Hyperandrogenemia: A Rare Case of Mullerian Dysgenesis

510-519 Melody Nethania Sutedja, Florely Joy Estrera-Gregorio

The Relationship between Insurance Participants' Knowledge of Pending Claims: A Study on Insurance Managed by PT. Multiniaga Intermedia Proteksi

520-523 Tantri Wilananda, Daniel Happy Putra, Puteri Fannya, Lily Widjaja

Macronutrient Intake at Student Breakfast at SD Negeri 76 Manado, Indonesia

529-532 Elfredo Josua Halawa, Olfie Sahelangi, Ruqayah Junus, Meildy Esthevanus Pascoal, Siti Nurhasanah, Nonce Legi, Romiza Arika

Family Support and Mother's Perception in Compliance with Providing Complete Basic Immunization for Babies (Aged 0-12 Months) in Padang, Indonesia

533-537 Ratih Septiana Arpen, Nur Hidayah Afnas