Published: Apr 30, 2024

Factors for Selection of Medical Records and Health Information Study Programs for New Students at Universitas Esa Unggul, Jakarta, Indonesia

392-395 Sisilia Kartika Dewi, Nanda Aula Rumana, Dina Sonia, Lily Widjaja

Administrative Burden in BKD (Regional Civil Service Agency) Central Java Province, Indonesia

400-404 Adam Surya Maulana, Dhani Ardiansyah

Administrative Burdens at the Department of Industry and Trade, Central Java Province, Indonesia

405-408 Lubna Firdausa H, Harumsari Puspa W, Tiara Aurora Alia S

Review of State Administrative Law on the Implementation of the Complete Systematic Land Registration Program (PTSL) by the Land Office of Semarang Regency, Indonesia

409-419 Dwi Puspita Sari, Syafa Marwah Febriyanti

Administrative Burden at the Community Empowerment, Village, Population and Civil Registration Services Village Management Sector Central Java Province, Indonesia

420-424 Lies Norma Tri Utami, Zefanya Nathalieana Mellynda Haskoro

Administrative Burden of Semarang Regency Spatial Planning Office Indonesia

425-434 Muhammad Rizqi Havizt Saputra, Dzulfiqar Prakoso Nursukma

Analysis of Administrative Burden on Semarang Regency Manpower and Transmigration Office

435-440 Aprilia Wahidatul Hasanah, Anggita Oktaviana

Administrative Burden in Bapenda Semarang City

441-445 Kamelia Zahra, Aqhina Dzikrah Aurora

Administrative Burden Borne by the Department of Cooperatives, Micro Enterprises, Industry and Trade of Semarang Regency

446-448 Wahyu Nurul Husaini, Mohammad Arifin

Personnel Administration Burden at the Semarang Regency Public Works Office

449-453 Ishaq Dhimas Bayuaji, Timothy Nathaniel

Administrative Burden in the Semarang City One-Stop Integrated Service Unit

454-457 Farah Putri Ayudia Primantari, Athalia Pranata Putri S. Meliala

Administrative Burden in the Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Semarang Province, Indonesia

458-463 Marta Solavide Naibaho, Mutiara Lutfha

Administrative Burden in the Regional Revenue Management Agency (Bapenda) of Central Java Province, Indonesia

464-469 Tiara Azani, Diandra Kania Avriella Prastia

Administrative Burden at the Information and Communication Technology Development Center (BPTIK) of the Culture and Education Service (Dikbud) of Central Java Province, Indonesia

470-476 Jovinka Aprilian Putri Amboro, Selvia Dewi Maharani

Administrative Burden at the Regional Secretariat of Semarang Regency, Indonesia

477-482 Dedi Gunawan, Aldafi Prana Tantri

Analysis of Crisis Communication Management Study: Study at PT Semen Baturaja (Persero)

483-488 Yoki Famila Sandi

Analysis of the Role of Premarital Guidance in Building Adolescents' Marriage Readiness: Study in Liunggunung Village, Purwakarta Regency, Indonesia

496-499 Dwi Widyastuti

Analysis of the Role of Social Media as an Educational Media for Preconception Nutrition Education of the Millennial Generation in Purwakarta Regency, Indonesia

500-503 Bosyahamu Mony

The Effect of Parenting Training on the Ability of Parenting Styles for Children in Ciwareng Village, Purwakarta Regency, Indonesia

504-507 Eka Prihatin Ningsih

The Effectiveness of the Role of Social Media in Premarital Education for Generation Z in Purwakarta Regency, Indonesia

508-511 Anita Sari Tarigan

The Effect of Acoustic Music Therapy in Overcoming Anxiety in Generation Z in Purwakarta Regency, Indonesia

512-515 Lailatun Lailatun

Study of Sociological Aspects of Traditional Medicine in Inland Communities in West Java, Indonesia

516-519 Karmilah Karmilah

Analysis of Raw Material Inventory Control Using the Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Method: Study of Simping MSMEs, Purwakarta Regency, Indonesia

520-524 M. Amirul Ghiffari

Analysis of Risk Factor Assessment that Contributes to the Incidence of Work Stress among Employees in Purwakarta Regency, Indonesia

525-529 Nur Auliawati

Analysis of the Implementation of Spiritual Aspects during Pregnancy and Childbirth among Pregnant Women in Bandung, Indonesia

530-535 Desi Trisiani, Melan Meilani, Shafira Suryadinda, Yanti Herawati, Teni Nurlatifah